Xemu is an Original Xbox Emulator for Windows, macOS, and Linux (Active Development) - mborgerson/xemu. RetroArch is all-in-one place for emulators of all kinds. And this is the original Xbox version. This was one of my childhood memories simply because it plays Genesis, 32x games on the original Xbox without hassle. I remember there were families of emulator from the same group which made some of the emulators for Nintendo.
Hello,I softmod my xbox using 'Softmod installer delux v5.11'. My xbox boot ups in unleash x dashboard where I see Launch Dvd, Games, Applications, Emulators, systems, ect.
When i FTP to my xbox and under E drive, I don't see a folder for Emulators so I created one manually. I then created a sub folder Nintendo 64 and ROMS folder under Nitendo 64, FTP emulators and the ROMS files accordingly to each folder. After I reboot my xbox and go to unleash x dashboard than to Emulators folder, Its empty.
I am definitely doing something. Maybe download the wrong files.
I download files from www.coolROM.com and www.doperoms.com.
Can you anyone help please.
It would be great if someone can include the Emulators and ROMS files with instruction. It can be for any system, it does not have to be for Nintendo 64. I tried many youtube video and they all seem really easy but i can't get this to work.
Please let me know if you need any additional info.
Thank you
Original Xbox Emulator Download